Become a DCA Elite Leader

" Years ago, I witnessed Dr. Myles Munroe mentor world leaders, prosper in business, lead his nation, serve as a Pastor, and operate in the supernatural. All while being an active husband and father. At that moment, I realized that I did not have to choose because GOD was able to use me anywhere. So today, I am telling you today that you do not have to choose.  Go into the world. Be strong and courageous. We are here to help. 
- Daniel Company Alliance Founder,
Apostle Jason Jackson


More than ever, the world needs forerunners that can solve complex problems. Much like the Hebrew patriarch Daniel, generations of leaders are arising to act as “billboards” of GOD’S wisdom, power, and nature.

DCA “Elite” leaders are seasoned or growing in function to demonstrate:

  • Advanced wisdom and understanding to navigate the nuances of functioning within the various systems. (Daniel 1:20)
  • A life committed to personal prayer and worship (Daniel 6:10)
  • The supernatural Power of GOD to prove the authenticity of Jesus to the world (Daniel 5:12)
  • Advanced expertise and competence within their spheres of influence. (Daniel 5:14)
  • A commitment to the Will of GOD (Daniel 1:8)
  • An ability and desire to work with others (Daniel 2:17)
  • A lifestyle of fasting to maintain a bilateral connection to Heaven (Daniel 10)


Elite leader profiles include:

  • Seasoned Five-Fold Ministry Leaders
  • Para-Ministry Leaders, i.e., food banks, home groups, domestic/international missions, etc.
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Government Leaders
  • Mid to Senior Level Executives
  • Next Gen Leaders (< 40 years of age) accepted under the DCA mentorship program.


Membership Types:

  • Elite Leaders: Seasoned, senior business, ministry, government, and organizational leaders (minimum 10 years of leadership experience)
  • Elite Members: Emerging leaders actively guiding others and require more advanced teaching and support to fulfill their assignment.
  • NextGen Leaders: Emerging leaders under the age of 40 seeking direct mentorship from Dr. Jackson.  NextGen Leaders must demonstrate a history of serving within their call. 

Don't think you fit the profile above? DCA is intended to support new/seasoned leaders actively pursuing their purpose. But we want to ensure you are embraced. You are encouraged to connect with DCA's sister ministry, the Lion’s Den Missions Base, or join a local/virtual ministry of a vetted DCA Leadership Council Member.

Benefits of Membership

Whether leading an intercessory group, para-ministry, or traditional church, the DCA family believes that all Heaven-ordained leaders should be valued and supported. To support this belief, Dr. Jason Jackson and the DCA Council of Leaders provide Members with leadership development, spiritual empowerment, and capacity-building opportunities to mobilize them into their respective spheres.

  • Spiritual Agreement: Receive five-fold ministry alignment as a safety net for your ministry


  • Visibility: Grow your ministry awareness through speaking opportunities,  recognition in our DCA directory, provisional use of the DCA logo, and special event vendor opportunities. 


  • Exclusive Discounts: Receive special discounts on training, events, and merchandise.


  • Exclusive Content: Tap into exclusive teachings not accessible to the public based on the expressed needs of you and our other members. 


  • Credentials: Receive a membership certificate and other ministry licensing and ordination opportunities.  


  • Social Empowerment: Embrace opportunities to connect with other leaders within a healthy environment.


  • Mentor Engagement:  Join in-person/virtual prayer, leadership, and coaching meetings with Dr. Jackson and the DCA Leadership Council.


  • Speaking Opportunities: Unlock opportunities to participate as a speaker, instructor, or panelist.


  • Spiritual Impartation: Receive supernatural grace to expedite your knowledge, understanding, and sphere of operation.


  • Speaking Opportunities: Unlock opportunities to participate as a speaker, instructor, or panelist.

DCA Elite Leader Application

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